Scholarship application

奖学金申请规则(Scholarship Application Note)




1. 小学、中学及初院生,必须呈交2019年上/下半年度成绩单影印本。(成绩单之影印本必须经过校方证明属实及签名方为有效)

2. 小六、中四及高中/初院毕业生,将以会考成绩为审核标准。

3. 大学及理工的学生,必须呈交2019年度7-12月及2020年度1-6月,两个学段成绩单影印本。

4. 只限就读新加坡全日制课程的学生申请。

5. 逾期申请,恕不受理。

6. 评审结果,将以电话或简讯通知。(恕不接受电话查询)

7. 本奖学金委员会决定为最后决定,一切异议恕不处理。

8. 资料不实,取消申请资格。


1. Primary, Secondary & JC students must submit the mid-year and
year-end results of the academic year 2019. (Photocopy Academic Results
Slip MUST BE "Certified True Copy" and signed by School Authorities)

2. Primary 6, Sec4 & Pre-U3/JC2students will be judged by PSLE, "O" level & "A" level results

3. Polytechnic & University students must submit July-Dec 2019& Jan-Jun 2020 results 

4. Only students study full-time courses in Singapore may apply.

5. Late submission will NOT be entertained 

6. All applicants will be notified by telephone or message (No telephone inquiry)

7. The association's decision is final. No further queries whatsoever will be entertained

8. Application with Untrue information will be disqualified

All successful applicants are to attend the Scholarships Presentation
Ceremony. The scholarship will be forfeited if absent without Medical
Certificate or valid reason (written report)